Routes: Interactive Map Legend:
___ Park (blue) ___ Neighborhood (green)
___ Explorer (red) ___ Gran Fondo (black)
Spring Garden Park Route
This two-mile route begins and ends at one of the coolest parks in the city. Check it out!
Burlingame Park Route
This route, not quite a mile long, might be the perfect place in Southwest to try gravel for the first time. There are also nice riding trails in the park itself.
Pendleton Park Route
This route around Pendleton Park is just under two miles, and a little hilly. Pendleton Park also has some nice trails if you want to keep riding!
Metzger Park Route
This route around Metzger Park is just over four miles, and a little hilly! However, there is a midsection you can use as a cutoff and reduce the route by half - and just enjoy the flatter half!
Top O’ River View to PCC and Back: The Gravel Way
This Explorer ride takes you through the steep and rolling hills of Southwest Portland. Get ready for some climbing - and some gravel fun!
Marigold Hydro Park Route
This 1.1 mile route around Marigold Hydro Park is packed with good gravel to ride! Easy, accessible, beautiful.
A Park Route
This 1.5 mile route is just east of Gabriel Park and offers some really nice, quiet gravel roads to ride. Close enough together, you can try A Park and Gabriel Park in the same day!
Gabriel Park Route
This 1.9 mile route is just west and through Gabriel Park, one of the loveliest parks in West Portland. Lots of options for more exploring, picnics and other sports!
April Hill Park Route
This 1.8 mile ride follows gravel roads around April Hill Park. Several side routes connect to this park as well!